Name A Kitten!

Name a Kitten!

Last chance to enter: June 26 8:00AM

Help us name 4 kittens! We are fundraising for 4 babies brought to our doorstep that need to be bottle fed, need antibiotics and more.

$5 donation to submit one name
$10 donation to submit 3 names. 

You can fill out the form below or HERE with the name you are submitting.

Random draw: Monday June 26 @ Noon

A litter of 4 kittens was brought to our doorstep. These babies were found in a field in Grand Bend, no momma in sight (we presume the worst happened 😔). As you know we are at capacity. We really need some assistance with these babies. At a minimum these 4 bottle fed, 5 week old babies need KMR food, eye antibiotics, flea treatment, dewormer, and we anticipate other expenses to pop up for them as well. All of the money raised will go directly to their medical expenses! Thank you so much for your help. We couldn’t do this without you.

Please note – we require you to call or email to ask if we can take any found kitty. Please never bring them to our listed address and leave them on the doorstep. This is someone’s home – not a general shelter.

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